1.I was doing at least 20 hours a week extra work without pay in my own time and that now I was being spoken to like an excrement.
2.While it was never difficult, and while the parser is a standard part of the platform, the extra work was a bit of an annoyance.
3.Two of the last week's on-duty parents did not show up, resulting in extra work and inconvenience for the other on-duty parents.
4.This should remind Britain's employers just how much they depend on the good-will and voluntary extra work of their staff, the TUC says.
5.'So am I paying them for that service, or am I paying them not to think badly of me because I've requested so much extra work?
6.If I catch you cheating again, I shall make you_(stay) in after school to do some extra work.
7.This is a bit of extra work, but it pays off handsomely because all of the posts will then display in reverse order, as you can see.
8.When this person is given a new assignment or extra work, he reacts as if the boss told him he'd never be able to leave the office again.
9.Although extra work is required in many situations, your ability to be flexible and solve problems is usually an asset.
10.Comment author must fill out name and email - Check this box as a way to force spammers to do a bit of extra work.